SASP Performance and Learning Framework
The overall purpose of this framework is to give assurance that the Partnership and its constituent partner agencies have effective systems and processes in place to improve outcomes in the context of safeguarding adults at risk. It aims to enhance how ongoing learning is embedded in continuous service improvement.
The framework highlights that to translate learning into action, we need to create a culture of continuous improvement that is underpinned by a commitment to collaborative, multi-agency learning.
There is recognition that individual organisations will have their own internal governance systems and contracting requirements and this framework is not intended to duplicate these but seeks to enhance and complement other arrangements.
The framework is made up of five interdependent strands:
- Safeguarding Adult Reviews
- Partner Self-Assessment & Accountability Sessions
- Multi-Agency Audit and Research Programme
- City-Wide Safeguarding Performance Dashboard
- Safeguarding adults’ workforce and training survey
Download the full policy for more information - SASP Performance and Learning Framework