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Escalation and Resolution Protocol

The Escalation and Resolution Protocol (June 2021 update) relates to the resolution of professional disagreements concerning the safety of adults at risk of abuse or neglect and is applicable to all agencies that have a role in the safeguarding of adults. The process should only be used within safeguarding practice not for other matters, such as assessment, eligibility or funding for more general care and support needs. Individual professional performance also does not fall within the remit of this procedure.This protocol is designed to supplement the South Yorkshire Safeguarding Adult Procedures.

The protocol outlines when disagreements are likely to arise, the principles of effective challenge and the process itself. A key feature is that wherever possible, all efforts should be made to resolve disagreements at the lowest possible level within and between organisations or agencies, as it is at this level that the adult’s circumstances and needs are known best.

A clear written record must be maintained throughout the escalation process and shared with those involved, and a template is provided.  The full policy and template can we downloaded here -  Escalation and Resolution Protocol.