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Sheffield Adult Safeguarding Partnership

Have your say - get involved!


Membership of the safeguarding customer forum is open to anyone with an interest in safeguarding adults. If you are interested in joining, please come and observe a meeting to find out more about what we discuss and how you can get involved.

If you would like to become a member please download and fill in this membership form.

Once you have filled in the membership form or if you would like to find out more about getting involved please contact the Sheffield Adult Safeguarding Office:

Adult safeguarding training is available for all safeguarding customer forum members to attend.

Why Should I Join?

Have a Voice….

Your views and ideas are important to us. You really can have an influence and make a difference!

Guest Speakers…

We invite speakers to our meetings to advise us about how we can protect ourselves from abuse. Topics covered include:

    • Door-step crime
    • Scams
    • Hate and mate crime
    • Health passports
    • Mental Capacity Act

Sharing Idea’s…

Share ideas about how we can keep people safe.

Meet New People…

Make new friends – a simple hello can lead to a lifetime of friendship.

The group welcomes anyone who has an interest in stopping adult abuse. You do not need to have experienced abuse to be involved.

Children and Young People safeguarding

Sheffield has a seperate Children and Young Peoples Safeguarding Partnership

For more information: https://www.safeguardingsheffieldchildren.org/sscb

If you have concerns about the safety of a child or young person this should be reported as soon as possible to the Safeguarding Hub which is staffed 24h a day on 0114 273 4855. In an emergency, this number or the police can be called on 999