Domestic Abuse
Domestic Abuse is defined as “Any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional) between adults who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality. It can involve, but is not limited to, the following:
- Physical Abuse
- Emotional Abuse
- Sexual Abuse
- Financial Abuse
- Forced Marriage
- Stalking and Harassment
- Isolation
- Coercive Control or Controlling Behaviour
Read more about types of Domestic Abuse on the Women's Aid Website.
Find additional Domestic Abuse related information, guidance and resources below that will help to support you in your practice.
Domestic Abuse Risk Assessment
DASH (Domestic Abuse, Stalking, Harassment and Honour Based Violence Risk Assessment) and MARAC (Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference) information and forms can be found on the Sheffield DACT (Domestic Abuse Co-ordination Team) Sheffield City Council webpages. Here you can also find lots of other helpful information and resources.
Domestic abuse and sexual violence resources for professionals | Sheffield City Council
Policy Context
The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 marks a significant step forwards and should transform our response to domestic abuse, which affected 2.3m people in England and Wales in 2019-20.
The Domestic Abuse Act 2021
Download this Domestic Abuse Act 2021 presentation by Alison Higgins, Strategic Commissioning Manager Domestic and Sexual Abuse to understand key changess and next steps in Sheffield.
Domestic Abuse Act 2021 presentation
Useful Resources and 7 Minute Briefings
Mental Capacity and Coercive Control Best Practice Guide
Domestic Homicide Review (DHR) Leah recommended that guidance was produced for practitioners on the relevance and use of the Mental Capacity Act in cases involving coercive control and its possible impact on executive functioning. Leah was a woman who died by suicide in 2020 following domestic abuse from a partner.
Mental Capacity and Coercive Control Best Practice Guide
Dementia and Domestic Abuse Briefing for Professionals
This briefing provides information for professionals on Dementia and Domestic Abuse. It takes you through the impact of Dementia on behaviour, Carers and Dementia, the role of Adult Social Care and working with families.
Dementia and Domestic Abuse Briefing for Professionals.
7 Minute Briefings
Domestic Abuse 7 minute briefing
Coercive Control 7 minute briefing
IDAS provide services in the community for anyone subjected to domestic abuse, irrespective of their age, sex, gender identity, ethnicity, disability or immigration status.
Make a Referral
Any organisation or individual can make a referral to IDAS via their website.
Make a referral - IDAS
Free Domestic Abuse Training Available
IDAS (Independent Domestic Abuse Services) deliver free training on Domestic Abuse and related topics to professionals working in Sheffield. This training has been commissioned by Sheffield City Council.
Take a look at their programme of sessions, and book onto training here.
Contact IDAS
The IDAS website also has a live chat support which is available every day from 1pm until 4pm. It is run by a trained practitioner. They can help if you are a professional wanting to know more about the services and the support they offer.
Contact us - IDAS
Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHR)
Where the death of a person aged 16 or over has, or appears to have, resulted from violence, abuse or neglect by a relative, a household member or someone he or she has been in an intimate relationship with, a DHR will be commissioned. A multi-agency review panel, led by an independent chair reviews each agency’s involvement in the case and makes recommendations to improve responses in the future. DHRs are not enquiries into how someone died or to apportion blame.
Following the completion of a DHR learning briefs are published on the Sheffield City Council website.
You can find learning briefs from DHRs here.
SAR DHR Newsletter
Quarterly, SASPB and DACT (Domestic Abuse Coordination Team) produce a SAR-DHR Newsletter, looking at themes and learning coming from reviews in the city, such a Safeguarding Adult Reviews and Domestic Homicide Reviews. We often see cross-cutting themes across these reviews. The newsletters focus on a different theme each quarter, and previous newsletters have looked at themes such as Carers, Adult Family Violence, Non-engagement, Was Not Bought and Trauma Informed Practice .
The SAR DHR newsletters can be found here.