Fire Safety
Home Fire Safety Checks
South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue (SYFR) offer a Home Fire Safety Check to people who are considered to be particularly at risk of fire. During a visit, firefighters or community safety staff will give advice on how to make the home safer, what to do in the event of a fire and what to do if trapped by a fire.
For more information on how to find out if you are eligible and to book a Home Fire Safety Check, visit the SYFR website:
Request a safety visit - South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue
Professionals can also make referrals into South Yorkshire Fire and Resuce, if they are working with an individual who is at risk of fire who would benefit from a Home Fire Safety Check. Read more about the scheme by clicking the following link:
Partnerships - South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue
Fire Safety Advice
Serious house fires are thankfully quite rare. But if a fire does start, it can quickly cause a lot of damage and put the lives of you and your loved ones in danger. By taking a few simple steps, you can massively reduce the likelihood of you suffering a fire.

Our top 10 tips for staying safe at home are:
- Make sure you have smoke alarms on every floor of your home
- Smoke alarms save lives, but only if they are working. Please test smoke alarms regularly.
- Take extra care in the kitchen and never leave cooking unattended
- Never, ever use a chip pan or any other pan filled with hot oil
- Don’t overload electric sockets– most can only take a maximum of 13 amps
- Keep matches and lighters away from children
- Keep clothes well away from heaters and open fires
- Put out cigarettes properly and dispose of them carefully
- Don’t charge things like mobile phones, tablets or e-cigs overnight, or longer than the recommended charging time
- Plan an escape route and make sure everyone in the house knows how to get out in the event of a fire
London Fire Brigade - A Carers Guide to Home Safety
London Fire Brigade have released a video guide to home safety aimed at carers, including information on:
- How to recognise people who are at risk of having a fire.
- Identify key high risk factors
- Show what actions can reduce these risks
- Describe what to do in the event of a fire
You will need to complete some basic information to view the video.
A Carers Guide to Home Safety