Full Name
Sheffield Adults Safeguarding Partnership |
Brings together organisations to promote effective working relationships between different agencies and professionals to address the issue of abuse and harm.
Sheffield City Council
Provides services for the people of Sheffield including Social Care, Housing, Libraries, Bin Collections and many more. |
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals |
Includes the Northern General, Royal Hallamshire, and Weston Park Hospitals. As well as the Jessop Wing (Maternity Services) and Charles Clifford Dental Hospital. |
Sheffield Health and Social Care |
Provide a range of mental health, learning disability and substance misuse services |
Integrated Care Board |
Previously the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). Integrated Care Boards plan for how NHS services will be delivered to meet local needs. |
Voluntary Action Sheffield |
Provide support and leadership for the voluntary sector in Sheffield |
South Yorkshire Police |
Police force covering Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield. |
South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue |
Fire Service covering Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield. |
Disability Sheffield |
Works in partnership with disabled people and wider communities to promote inclusive living, campaign for equality and co-produce solutions to the barriers disabled people face.
Healthwatch |
Healthwatch Sheffield make sure NHS leaders and other decision makers hear the voice of the people of Sheffield who have received health and care services and use feedback to improve care. |
Safeguarding Adult Review |
Where an individual with care and support needs has died or come to serious harm due to abuse or neglect, and there is concern about how agencies worked together the protect the adult, a SAR may take place. This is a Multi-Agency review process which seeks to determine what could have been done differently and promote learning from the case to improve practice. It is not to place blame on any partners involved. |
Sheffield Drug and Alcohol/Domestic Abuse Coordination Team |
DACT support victims of domestic abuse, and those experiencing drug and alcohol misuse |
Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conferences |
A multi-agency meeting where information is shared on the highest risk domestic abuse cases between the agencies attending for example police, health, housing, probation etc.