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Online Harms

If you have witnessed or experienced harmful content online, Report Harmful Content can help you to report it by providing up to date information on community standards and direct links to the correct reporting facilities across multiple platforms. 

Report Harmful Content was set up in response to changes in legislation. They provide a crucial service to adult victims including a high percentage of success in removing indecent images from the internet in a timely manner. The team are completely independent of the Police so anyone reaching out to them for help, who don’t want to involve the Police for any reason, can do so in confidence.

Report Harmful Content

The following posters from Report Harmful Content can be displayed in communities and provide helpful easy to understand information about what harmful content might look like.

The little guide to reporting harmful content (reportharmfulcontent.com)

Types of harmful content (reportharmfulcontent.com)

Intimate Image Abuse

Intimate image abuse (also known as "revenge porn"), is the act of sharing intimate images or videos of someone, either on or offline, without their consent with the intention of causing distress. This is against the law and included in the Criminal Justice and Courts Act (2015) there is a dedicated support helpline for intimate image abuse available through Revenge Porn Helpline - 0345 6000 459 | Revenge Porn Helpline

They support adults (those over the age of 18) in the UK who are victims of intimate image abuse and who have had their intimate images and videos shared without their consent, or when someone is threatening to do this.

The following poster from Revenge Porn Helpline, can be displayed in communities and signpost support available to those who have been a victim.

Revenge Porn Helpline Poster

Online Scams

For more information on online scams, including resources and support available take a look at our dedicated Staying Safe from Scams Webpage Staying Safe from Scams - Sheffield Adult Safeguarding Partnership - (sheffieldasp.org.uk)