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Additional Guidance for CQC Registered Providers in Sheffield

The Sheffield City Council's Adult Safeguarding and Practice Development Team have produced further safeguarding guidance for registered providers in Sheffield. It is designed to complement the existing South Yorkshire procedures and does not replace them. 

This localised guidance is intended to explain how Sheffield City Council and Sheffield providers should work together with regards to the management of their respective safeguarding roles:

Safeguarding Guidance For CQC Registered Providers

Appendix A - Case Study Examples

Appendix B - CQC regulatory requirements for safeguarding adults

This information is written specifically for CQC-registered providers in Sheffield and aims to:

  • signpost to some key national guidance on safeguarding practice
  • help with understanding how to avoid jeopardising any criminal investigations involving a safeguarding concern
  • support correct decision-making on when a safeguarding referral must be made (and when it might not)
  • reiterate the key actions all providers must undertake following the identification of issues within their service (whether or not they merit a safeguarding referral)
  • explain how Sheffield City Council’s social work teams will usually respond to the receipt of a safeguarding concern involving a provider’s regulated activities (and the role of providers within this)
  • summarise the key safeguarding responsibilities for providers as specified within CQC regulations.