Quick Exit

Sheffield Adult Safeguarding Partnership

PIPOT Procedure


Adults with care and support needs are likely at some point in their life to be supported by people who may provide a range of personal care, advice, guidance, enablement, transport etc. Whilst the majority of these interactions are going to be positive and bring about good outcomes there will unfortunately be occasions when people are abused or neglected by the people who are supposed to be working with them.

A ‘person in a position of trust’ refers to any individual who works with adults in either a paid, voluntary or student capacity. They are entrusted to support and work with some of the most vulnerable people in Sheffield and wider communities.

The Sheffield Adult Safeguarding Board have developed a Protocol People in Positions of Trust and also seeks assurance from partners that they act appropriately when issues arise.

The protocol is concerned with potential harm to adults with care and support needs, however, if the allegation is such that there is a concern that the person may also pose a risk to children then Children’s Services must be informed ideally through the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO).

To access the protocol please click on the following link: People in Positions of Trust Protocol