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Sheffield Adult Safeguarding Partnership

Learning Briefs


Learning Briefs and Reports

Learning briefs are short summary documents intended to share key learning from the various case reviews carried out by SASP, including Safeguarding Adult Reviews, learning lessons reviews and other themed audits.

Learning Briefs Full reports
Person A Learning Learnt Review  Brief
Person B Learning Learnt Review Brief
Person C Learning Learnt Review Brief
Person D Safeguarding Adults Review Learning Brief Person D Safeguarding Adults Review Full  Report
Person E Safeguarding Adults Review Learning Brief Person E Safeguarding Adults Review Full Report
Person F Safeguarding Adults Review Learning Brief Person F Safeguarding Adults Review Full Report
Harris Safeguarding Adults Review Learning Brief Harris Safeguarding Adults Review Full Report
Person I Safeguarding Adults Review Learning Brief Person I Safeguarding Adults Review Executive Summary

Multi Agency Case Audit William Learning Brief

Self-Neglect Briefing – Learning from Multi Agency Case Audit William

Sam Safeguarding Adults Review Learning Brief

Sam Safeguarding Adults Review Full Report

When a Safeguarding Adults Review is completed and lessons identified, the report is published on this page of our website along with a Learning Brief.

SAR DHR Newsletters

Quarterly, SASP and DACT (Domestic Abuse Coordination Team) produce a SAR-DHR Newsletter, looking at themes and learning coming from reviews in the city, such a Safeguarding Adult Reviews and Domestic Homicide Reviews. We often see cross-cutting themes across these reviews. Newsletters so far have looked at Carers, Adult Family Violence, Non-engagement, Was Not Bought and Trauma Informed Practice. Here are the past editions of those newsletters. 

August 2022

December 2022 - Focus: Adult Family Violence and Was Not Bought/Non engagement

February 2023 - Focus: Carers

May 2023 - Focus: Trauma Informed Practice

August 2023 - Focus: Professional Curiosity

October 2023 - Focus: Coercion and Control

January 2024 - Focus: Engagement

April 2024 - Focus: Mental Health

July 2024 - Focus: Recording

Dementia and Domestic Abuse

This briefing provides information for professionals on Dementia and domestic abuse.


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Booking onto a Safeguarding Training course

To view and book onto our training courses please follow this link.