E-Learning on animal cruelty in violent homes and links to abuse or neglect
There are links between between animal welfare /cruelty and neglect, and the abuse and neglect of children and adults at risk. If you want to know more, complete the free course, ‘Understanding animal welfare in violent homes’ by the Virtual College and accessible via the SCSP training website E-Learning tab.
You need to create an account and log on to access the E-Learning topics. You can also do a self- assessment and obtain a certificate for your CPD or revalidation.
'I thought it provided a good introduction and awareness of the subject at a level that most frontline staff would be able to understand and take on board . It is particularly relevant to community staff who work with people in their own homes and may help them to recognise red flags more easily. As a Health Visitor and Community Practice Educator I worked in the community for a number of years and managed a large caseload of families with CIN or children on a CPP, Domestic Abuse and adults at risk . Had this training been available at the time I would have found it helpful . For me , the training meets the Think Family agenda and supports the holistic assessment (Christina Blaydon, Head of Safeguarding and Prevent Lead, Lead Nurse for Children and Young People, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)'
The course explains the following:
- Understanding the role that pets play within families – includes acknowledgment of concepts e.g. people in abusive situations may not leave for fear of what will happen to their pets etc.
- Legal responsibilities of owners – Animal Welfare Act and the 5 welfare needs
- The link between family abuse and animal abuse i.e. how the care/presentation of an animal can reflect care/neglect/abuse of humans within the family
- Links between child abuse/ CSE/DA and how young people and adults known to have suffered abuse can harm or kill animals
- Recognition of some aspects of dog behaviour that might indicate how they are being treated
- What actions to take if any concerns about animal welfare
- Reporting abuse of children and adults via safeguarding procedures and cross agency reporting