Sheffield Adult Safeguarding Partnership


It is important to ensure that there is a common understanding across partner workforce’s of both continuing and emerging safeguarding concerns to help us to work together to achieve the best outcomes for adults at risk of neglect or abuse in Sheffield.

‘Team Talk’s’, videos and briefings will be issued for the Sheffield adults workforce to support this understanding. Each briefing will summarise a particular safeguarding issue and should be shared by managers and team leaders with staff at team meetings or service events to allow the opportunity for discussion, comment or questions.

Harmful Gambling

Problem gambling is a condition which can include periods of recovery and relapse and can impact on mental health and emotional wellbeing, as well as having a financial impact. It is a hidden problem with high stigma and impacts on a person’s behaviour and their relationship with others such as family, friends and colleagues. The following resources will take you through what it means, what makes a person vulnerable, and what support is available.

Team Talk - Harmful Gambling

Gambling Harm Toolbox Talk - YouTube

Defensible Documentation

The written word is the way we communicate facts and information. If we don’t write information down, how do we expect someone else to know what we have done or what has happened. Read our Team Talk on defensible documentation which takes you through what it is, why it is important as well as some top tips.

Team Talk - Defensible Documentation

Professional Curiosity

What is professional curosity

The following video talks about Professional Curiosity, what it is, what skills it involves and why its really important that we are all professionally curious.

Professional Curiosity - YouTube

Predatory Marriage

Predatory Marriage is the practice of intentionally targeting and marrying a vulnerable (often older) person in order to gain access to their estate and assets upon their death. Predatory Marriage relies on grooming and coercion to exert control over another person to persuade them to marry for financial, material or other gain. The following 7 minute briefing will take you through what is predatory marriage, legislation, what the signs are and what to do if you are concerned someone is a victim of this type of abuse.

7 Minute Briefing - Predatory Marriage

Self Neglect 

In October 2023, SASP conducted Multi-Agency Case Audit William. William appeared well presented to the few agencies he had contact with, he worked, and he owned his own property. However, William had been living in a severe state of self-neglect in a home that was in a derelict state, was described as uninhabitable with no source of heating and there were extremely concerning levels of hoarding. The Multi-Agency Case Audit recommended that a briefing focusing
on self-neglect be produced which would cover some of the common myths around self-neglect and learning from the case.

Self Neglect Briefing - Learning from Multi Agency Case Audit William

Learning Brief 
