Sheffield Adult Safeguarding Partnership

Strategic Plan

The Sheffield Adult Safeguarding Partnership was established in 2002 and has developed over this time. In April 2015 it became a legal duty for local authority areas to have an adult safeguarding board (partnership) as a result of The Care Act (2014).

The Sheffield Adult Safeguarding Partnership is a statutory multi-agency forum for agreeing how services, agencies, organisations, businesses and the communities work together to safeguard adults who may be or are at risk of abuse and neglect. It seeks to work closely with and for those people most at risk of harm from abuse and neglect within Sheffield.

Its main purpose is to ensure that agencies work together to effectively safeguard and promote the safety and wellbeing of adults (primarily with care and support needs) within Sheffield. The partnership aims to promote awareness and understanding of abuse and neglect within Sheffield City. It also seeks to ensure that systems are in place to protect people from abuse and neglect and that safeguarding arrangements are monitored and improved as a result of effective and robust challenge.

Strategic Plan

View out latest  Strategic Plan (2020 - 2023)
